Lost my baby girl at 20w2d

10 days ago I became very sick with a high fever. I went to the ER immediately and they sent me home with antibiotics for what they thought was a kidney infection. After two days, I went back and they said I had the flu or a virus and sent me home. 
I knew I was very sick. Then my fluid started leaking and they finally diagnosed me with corioamniositis, a mystery infection in my uterus. I was induced and labored all night but my cervix wouldn't dilate. They transferred me to a top notch hospital and manually open my cervix to take the baby out. She was still kicking and moving around minutes before surgery. 
I'm heartbroken, crushed and terrified. The infection went septic and almost killed me. Now that I'm out of the woods I don't know how to continue after this loss. I miss my Ava girl so much and the thought of ever getting pregnant again scares me to death. 
For those of you that have lost, how did you recover enough to start trying again?