Feeling Overwhelmed...

Apologizing in advance for the long post, but appreciating anyone who takes the time to read and may be able to offer some calming words. 
I'll 39 weeks this Friday and am
being induced for medical reasons. My first son came on his own at 38 weeks and I was really hoping this little guy would as well. I have horrible anxiety and the closer it gets the more I'm making myself sick about it. We are military and having family out here for the birth was, unfortunately, not an option for us to have. Our 5 year old suffers extreme sleep disturbance and wakes up several times through the night crying and disoriented. He's also a child that does not handle being outside of his own bed for sleep very well and disturbance in his environment and routine is very chaotic for him. He will be passed between a couple close friends during our hospital stay and all I want is to have him in our home and his bed. The thought of induction is terrifying to me. I'm on blood thinners and the idea that a forced labor could result in a CSec, has me having nightmares of what could go wrong. I go in late tomorrow afternoon for a cervix ceheck and if I'm dilated or 'favorable' they will most likely do a foley balloon and send me home until Friday morning. If not, I'll be admitted Thursday night. I've heard almost nothing but horror stories about being induced. My cervix check at 38wks was painful to the point of tears. I'm still praying, which is something I never do, that a miracle will happen and I'll go into labor on my own before my appt.