Female condoms...

💝 👪 💝 • Been married to the love of my life for almost 5 years (9 years together total) & we have decided we`re finally at a place where we are ready to have a baby & we are so excited!!!
Trying to make a long story short here... My husband & I were TTC since January with no luck. My husband is bipolar & had a little bit of a break down & decided he doesn't wnat children anymore. Then we talked & I realized he had been forgetting his meds & he got back on them & has said he does want kids, he was just "being crazy". I'm a little gun shy right now & kind of want things to be okay for a few months before I end up pregnant. My husband can't really use regular condoms, because he is diabetic & neuropathy makes it hard for him to be able to enjoy sex with a regular one. I don't want to get back on BC because I still want to TTC again soon, but I was thinking about maybe trying female condoms & wonder if anyone has feedback on them... Also, where do you get them?