How long did you wait to get pregnant after having a miscarriage?

Alyssa • I recently lost my first pregnancy and am looking forward to trying again in a few months.
I recently lost my first pregnancy at 10 weeks. I am wondering when most women choose to try and conceive again.
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I had a miscarriage at exactly 5 weeks. Period came like clock work 25 days later. One week after I stopped bleeding found out I was pregnant. Currently 8+4. And have a very strong heart beat and everything is great


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I miscarried at 6 weeks and got pregnant again 3 weeks later before my period and I am now 7 months along


Alyssa • May 30, 2015


Dawn • May 30, 2015
Thank you


Casey • May 30, 2015
thats awesome... congratulations!!!!


Posted at
Had a d&c March 30th doc said I only needed to way 1 cycle ( I was told that by 2 doctors btw) so that's what we did my period was may 4th and 5th so now I'm just waiting to take a test tomorrow morning ! Honestly unless you're told otherwise it's up to you if you're emotionally ready to try again go for it !


He • Jun 1, 2015
bfp! :) baby dust to you all!!!!


Alyssa • May 30, 2015
Good luck to both of you!!!


Ileana • May 30, 2015
same here waiting to test baby dust to u :)


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I lost my baby in dec. And we decided to wait to have another. But come March I took a test and I was pregnant! ! Now I'm 13 weeks and I can't believe it. Especially since I started tracking my period after the miscarriage. But after I spoke to my doc about what happened he said the miscarriage probably messed up my period and ovulation days and that how we ended up pregnant again. Now I'm 13 weeks and we can't wait to see what our little peanut will be 😍


Casey • May 30, 2015


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Only person who can answer that is you but you are the most fertile right after a miscarriage.


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I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks last June and just found out I was pregnant again. Everyone is different as I bled from my miscarriage for almost 2 months straight. Hubby and I did what the dr said. Hope all works out with you!


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I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks and choose a D&C. Got my period about a month after and my husband and I are trying again! Good luck, waiting is the most difficult part. Thinking and praying for all the moms in this same situation.


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I had a mc just recently about 3 weeks ago.... My doctor said I have to wait for one cycle and then I can try again... She said its best to wait til all the hormones get back to normal then TTC because the chance of getting another mc would be high if you ttc right away after a mc


Alyssa • May 30, 2015
Thank you, Casey. it sounds like yours was around the same time as mine. I think I want to try again in August as long as my cycles seem back to normal.


Posted at
I lost my baby 7 weeks ago at 16 weeks pregnant went for u/s and he had no heartbeat... I was induced and delivered him and had a d&c to remove the remaining placenta... My dr told me to wait 3 cycles to lower my risk of another loss because your uterine lining is very thin after miscarriage and especially a d&c... So the new egg can't attach well... So we are waiting... Not patiently though! Can't wait to be able to try again 


Alyssa • May 30, 2015
I am so sorry you went through that Angelle! I hope these next few months fly by so you can try again!


Posted at
I had a mc at 9 weeks and had to have a d&c done my doctor wanted me to wait 2-3 months before trying again so I did, got pregnant and had another mc in Feb and haven't been pregnant since :/ been TTC for 10 months


Alyssa • May 30, 2015
I am so sorry to hear that. I was able to pass everything naturally and my doctor told me after one normal period I could try again. It is a very scary thought. I feel like that is too soon for my body to be able to handle it.