Mad...dnt throw hpt away just yet

So... This morning I got really irritated that I couldn't see a line ... I should be able to see one I had a really really faint one as some of you may have seen almost wasn't there... Well I got mad and thru my strip hpts in the trash well when I got home from work I realized that was dumb so I dug them out and to my surprise see below... I have had a chemical pregnancy before so I'm not getting my hopes up yet because I don't know what order these are really supposed to be in the top I dipped in water to have a clear negative so thee are only two but like I said not sure of the order
There be two perdy lines on both test haha I will take one in the morning to see if I am still at the moment Prego!!! Wish me luck good hopes and baby dust.
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Posted at
Reading tests outside the testing window can lead to heartache....but it can't hurt to test again 😀Good luck!!!


Tiffany • May 30, 2015


Tiffany • May 30, 2015
The only reason I dig them out was because I had taken another and was lining it up and I saw something out side of where this thing said the line should be it had them closer together and it was further apart so I got the other and there was a line where the one I had was


Tiffany • May 30, 2015
Oh I agree I'm testing in the morning to be sure but I've used this brand before and have never ever gotten an evap and usually when there is a second line it stays and there is no change except it gets clearer over time as the urine drys


Posted at
Stupid evaps wish I could delete this post AF came two days early 😕


Sam • May 30, 2015
I definitely know the feeling... new cycle new chance.


notgonnalie🐟 • May 30, 2015
we all do that too! i try to convince myself there are lines when i know there's nothing.


Tiffany • May 30, 2015
The thing is I knew they were prolly evaps but I still wanted to believe 😕


Posted at
If they showed up after the time frame they're evaps. Just test again in the am. If your pregnant, it'll get darker. Good luck!