Need advice: lap surgery or IVF?

Jen • I'm 34 with b/g twins via IVF FET, born 11/2016. Had a mc after first IVF/FET, 3 failed IUI, mild endo. 1% morphology
I'm very close to the end of my 3rd <a href="">IUI</a> cycle. I don't feel like it worked and the test today was BFN. I still have a couple of days to know for sure but want to plan for what's next to feel a sense of hope. I've been planning to go to <a href="">IVF</a> next but I have not yet had a laparoscopy, and my OBGYN and RE think I have endo. Does anyone have any advice on whether to try lap surgery before <a href="">IVF</a> or just go forward with <a href="">IVF</a>? My OBGYN suggested surgery a while back and I didn't want to do it then because it was going to be hard to take time off work. That's when my RE said we could try fertility treatments instead since it seemed like I may not have endo too bad. But I've heard the symptoms don't always match the severity. The <a href="">IVF</a> nurse also told me that there's really no point to get the surgery if going to <a href="">IVF</a>, but I've read that endo can interfere with implantation so I'm torn. Anyone have experience with this? Any advice is appreciated.