Super confused

Jennifer • mommy to 3 precious boys
Okay so, my last period period was May 4th to May 8th. I had sex every day during my fertile window this month. So normally during the tww, my boobs hurt like hell and I get bad cramps about a week before AF comes. THIS month only my nipples were super tender and I haven't had any cramping at all except for yesterday. I took a couple of tests last week, I thought they looked like super faint positives but no one else saw it so I'm probably actually just crazy lol. So, AF is due June 3rd this time around but I started bleeding at 1am on 5/29. It wasn't like a normal period but it was definitely more than spotting. Then yesterday it was almost completely stopped and today it's gone. My boobs dont hurt at all anymore... So was this my period just coming early and doing me a favor by not giving me any cramps or what the FFFFFFF is my body doin!?