
Sarah • Only been on glow for a few months but really enjoying it so far. I have been with my partner for almost 6 months and honestly never felt this way about a guy before he just has my heart completely
I have pcos I have had it since I was 17 and I have no children. I have had irregular AF since apart from the last year or so they have been regular but what confuses me is the last few moths before my AF is due I get horrible symptoms that make me believe I'm pregnant like nausea, cramps, sore back headaches abs it's gets my hopes up and then nothing I get my AF which breaks my heart but this time it's a lot worse then usual I can't sleep during the night due to the cramps I have highly sensitive nipples, my back is incredibly painful I'm highly emotional. I don't no what to think anymore, I'm due for AF today. Sick of getting hopes up.