Ttc but not a lot of sex

Ashley • I am 24 years old engaged to the love of my life. We have 1 daughter n a step daughter.
My fiancé and I decided to try for baby #2(for me #3 for him). We have a 5 almost 6 year old together and he has a 5 year old to another girl. Our daughter has been asking for a month or so for a brother lol. Only started 2-3 weeks ago. I just came off of the nexplanon implant had it in for 5-6 months got it take out cause i hated it. Anyways no period as of yet taking a test June 13 since that will be 1 month since my implant came out. How do you ladies get your man to have sex every day to every other day. Last week we only did it 3 times n i get frustrated cause we decided to try and he doesn't seem to want to try and tells me I'm crazy for doing all this extra stuff to help out chances of getting pregnant. I started taking prenatals, stopped drinking alcohol and cut back on caffeinated drinks. He does work long hours and we barely see eachother so sexy time is hard to come by but when we can do it he doesn't want to. Help!