Roommate's BF living with us rent-free...

Kiersten • I am a chronic college student who has attended entirely too many colleges. Sorry, mom and dad.

...and I'm not okay with it. Originally, we discussed in February that her BF would stay with us until June while he was saving up for a new place, and in the meantime he would pay all of the utilities. He had just come back from living abroad, and I could understand his situation. Things were good.

Well, now it's June. And my roommate told me last week that her BF quit his job over a month ago because it was "soul-sucking", and instead he enrolled in classes at the University...and that now he has less money and doesn't know when he'll be moving out.

What. The. Fuck.

Am I justified in thinking that this guy is taking complete advantage of the fact that we aren't asking him for rent?

I communicated my frustration to my roommate (whom is also my long-term friend) and asked that if he stays longer than June, that he help out more with finances (pay a portion of rent, pay a portion of Internet, etc.). She responded by saying that it isn't really an option right now, that he doesn't have any extra money. She then followed up by saying she may move out herself since she wants him to be able to hang out with her wherever she lives. Mind you, I did NOT tell her I was uncomfortable with him being here full stop...I just want him to pay towards rent if he's going to be living here longer.

Her argument is that he's not taking up much space (true) and that he isn't costing us any extra money. My argument is that he IS costing us extra money, since he is living at the house and is not contributing towards the rent payment.

I feel that we've been MORE than generous to let him stay rent-free for 4 months, and he should have considered the consequences when he quit his "soul-sucking" job. The agreement was for him to be able to save up money, and he hasn't stuck to the terms.

I'm beyond frustrated right now. I don't want to jeopardize my friendship with my roommate, but it appears that she is choosing her free-loading boyfriend over me.

We're at a standstill at the moment. It appears that this guy may just move back in with his parents while he finishes up school (which he should've done in the first place as soon as he quit his job), but I'm still kind of surprised at my roommate's reaction.

Am I asking too much? What would y'all do in this situation? Can anyone relate?