How long did you bleed for?


I miscarried at 9 weeks. The doctor appointment was very quick. He gave me an ultra sound, said im sorry, you won't need a d&c and then sent me off?    Am I meant to go back for a check up? How long do I bleed for? It's all pretty traumatic, I know nothing? Did any of you find out why it happened? I've made my own appointment with another doctor for 10 days after it started. Just cause I'd assume I should? Got no information accept for all the conflicted stuff on the Internet!  
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Oh hun I'm so sorry for your loss! I had two in 6 months I know exactly how you feel. I bled around 2 weeks. I was also verry confused the first time. I went to the hospital in lot of pain bleeding verry heavily and the fid blood work and ultrasound and they told me that I lost my baby and that I expeled everything so I don't need D&C. The second time I went to ultrasound And the doctor told me my baby has no heart beat anymore. I started to have pain after a few days but almost no bleeding. After a week in pain I had another ultrasound and they told me that I need to have a D&C because I didn't expel everything. It is really hard to get over what hapened. I don't know what to tell you about in your case because you don't give to much details. Did you bleed alot before the ultrasound? Did you pass tissue? ... But hun the most important thing is that you have to realize that It's not your fault! And also take it one day at a time! Let yourself grieve hun! Everybody grieves diferently but if you need to talk I'm here for you. 


Anna • Jun 1, 2015
I think you'll need to read these comments backwards! 😏


Anna • Jun 1, 2015
I think my problem is I want to know why? But from what I can gather, it's not always possible. I think I'll be ok, but thank you for your response , it's nice to get it out, cause my husband doesn't want to "dwell" x


Anna • Jun 1, 2015
Sound on sat afternoon. Sunday was a bad day if bleeding and large clots. Monday bleeding slowed down but still odd clot. I'm worried it's me, maybe my cervix or something. Are there tests I can get? Am I right to make an appointment to go back to doctors about ten days later?