Vivid Dreams?

Calla • 💍 6 Year Old Twin Boys 👶🏼👶🏼 Baby Girl 8-30-23 👶🏻
 The day before I dreamt of an older friend (who has 4 kids) that we were eating lunch and she went into labor. By the time I followed her into the bathroom, she had already given birth to quadruplets and quickly cleaned up. I held one baby (who had a name which I've forgotten) who was the smallest of the group. I was jealous and can remember wanting to take him home in my dream.
Last night I had a dream of a 5 month pregnant coworker getting into a car accident and dying. I remember taking over her responsiblities in the office.
Today a coworker and I were talking about last nights dream, and she asked if my period is late! Apparently women who are early in pregnancy can have very vivid dreams? AF is due around 6/12 and I just finished my  vertal window. Has anyone ever experienced vivid dreams with a very early pregnancy? If I am pregnant, I'm only like a week along...