CD 117 ... Someone help please :(

My last three cycles have been crazy but this last one has been horrible. I'm bloated and gaining weight but I'm not pregnant.. My doctors seem to think I'm crazy and must not believe me.. I had the mirena IUD for only 6 months before having it removed due to pain and discomfort during sex. My fiancé and I are ttc and have been since last July when IUD was removed. Everything was normal again up until October when my cycles started becoming much longer.. now it's been 117 days and no period, no spotting, no nothing. My fiancé Is going crazy just as I am and I'm stuck! 
I started taking Dong Qui (spelling?) to try and jump start my period but it's been weeks and still nothing!! 
Any thoughts on what to do?! I'm feeling very depressed and scared having a Baby may not be an option now 😢