Gfs mom involved in our relationship

My gf tells her mom about every horrible fight we have. Her mom hates me but everytime we fight I don't tell my mom and I try to keep a good image of my gf to my family. We fight a lot and unlike my girl I try to let all the bad things go she holds it in. Her mom tells her that I don't love her and that I never will. I have done my fair share of bad things in the relationship and I am very sorry and remorseful about it. Sometimes I don't know how to love the right way. It's difficult for me because I never was showed what love was supposed to be because I had no father and my mom is emotionally and verbally abusive and depressed all the time. I love my girlfriend we have been together for 6 years. Eventually I want to marry her. I want to fix things and go to counseling but her mother suggests that it's not worth her time that it'll never get better. I feel like I'm dating her mom instead of her. What should I do?

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