7 months ttc appointment with Gyno tomorrow

What should I expect? Should I write down my cycle lengths? I don't know how to prepare and I'm feeling really nervous. We conceived the first time without even trying 😔
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I'm in the same exact position. Well baby number one was conceived ONE drunk night. It's crazy. I have a few friends who have been trying for years. I know they do blood work. And one friend has had an ultrasound and dye sent through her tubes and found out they were blocked! When I decide I'm ready my doctor will start with blood work and the ultrasound test. Good luck! 


El • Jun 2, 2015
Good luck Hun!


Sara • Jun 2, 2015
My appt is in an hour so I'm anxious to see what happens. The appt is only a 15 minute time slot so I don't think she would do an ultra sound but who knows. I'm at least hoping for blood work


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When I saw my gyno I had temperature charts to talk about and I was having irregular cycles so we discussed the range. He also asked if I was using ovulation tests and how long my periods were. He was going to send me for blood work and a hsg but a few days later I found out I was pregnant. 


Jen • Jun 2, 2015
We were ttc for 10 months. At month four I had an ectopic pregnancy/miscarriage


Sara • Jun 2, 2015
How long were you ttc?


Sara • Jun 2, 2015
I don't temp. I have regular cycles and get positive opks. I honestly think she is going to say everything is fine