Advice would be appreciated. What would you do.

Chandra • Married. 26. Mom of 2 boys. Pregnant with #3
Quick background. I was a stay at home mom for 6 yrs while my husband worked for an amazing company working 50+ hrs a week weekends and holidays off. He got bored and said he missed the restaurant industry. I supported him because life is too short to be miserable so he left the amazing company he was with and took a demotion and is currently working in a restaurant as an assistant manager. His hrs are terrible and all over the place. He's now unhappy and is looking into other job opportunities. Since then I've started working part time. Tonight he mentioned me working full time and him taking a huge cut in pay but that we'd both work full time to make up for what we'd lose with this job change. The plan was for me to always be a sahm, I've compromised and have been working part time. There for a while I even worked full time and got a management position but I quit because I lost way too much family time. I want to support him but this weighs heavy on my heart. What would you do...?

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