Irregular period???

Kelsie • I am 36 my husband is 38 and we are trying to convince out first child with low fertility chances on both sides.
Hello I am 32 and for as long as I can remember I have always had long periods. I use apps to track my cycle and as a general rule they are 28 days. The problem lies in that I am on my period for 12 days. So I'm basically on two weeks off two weeks. I have been taking thyroid meds since I was 17 and I know that can affect it. I talked to an obgyn about it and they put me on birth control and changed every few months but it had no effect. He then left the business and I went a while without one. My husband and I started trying to conceive about a year ago and we went to a infertility specialist. I told him about my periods and that I get ovarian cysts. So he put me on metformin. It has cleared up the cysts but I still have a twelve day period. There is very little blood until day nine and ten which are major and then back to very little the last two days. My obgyn said this is normal but I don't see how. Any thoughts?