SO is packing ?? 😐

So I wake up at 5 am and so is still not home hear the door at 7 am and hear a suitcase rolling across hallway..  Me and my two year old are sleeping in sepereate room as he works late and usually needs to sleep on day and my little one dreams a lot and he gets pissed off anyway.. I'm sitting In The kitchen and I can hear him packing all his stuff :/ wtf  I'm also 34 weeks pregnant I'm just sitting thinking what the hell is going on I am too scared to go in there as he has been violent  before and don't want my son to wake up if he kicks off my little boy has seen enough but I'm so dumbfounded right now.. He kept saying during little arguments he is waiting for something and he will leave but I just thought he saying it to get at me in a argument obviously not.