Mother In law problems 😩

When I had my 1st son 3 years ago.. I only wanted my mother, my sister and my husband In the delivery room with me.. Well my mother in law came In the delivery room in the middle of me pushing my son out! And starts smiling and waving to me!! I told my husband get your mom out of here!!!  Well to make matters worse a week after this happened she went as far as to brag about it on fb to a family friend of theirs who has treated me and my husband so bad that we had made the decision to remove her from our lives... So I snapped on my mil for this behavior and our relationship has been rocky ever since!   In 5 weeks we are expecting our 2nd child and we mentioned to my husbands sister that we are not calling his parents until we are settled into the hospital and we don't want any visitors in the delivery room besides who I choose to have In there  with me... And I don't want to see anyone until they move me to the different room. And my husbands sister was like well are u going to tell mom that blah blah... I'm in a loss for words after what happened the 1st time that they think I would want it any other way!Â