Bad news today


I just had a medical appointment to see how were my uti and ovaries. Doc told me that my uti is ok but we can't see my left ovary because a kyst is hiding it. Moreover the right one is small and doc told me I almost don't have any reserve left... Meaning there isn't much chance I could get pregnant. She also did a test blood. 
Next week I will have my Fallopian tubes checked too. 
I feel very bad and sad. I knew that having my mom and my sisters yet menopaused in their 40y would be a risk for me too, but I didn't know the situation would be that awful. 
I feel lost. In addition to this, I told my fiancé not to come with me because "it would be just an exam, not too significant". Well,  I was mistaken. 
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Posted at
Doctors aren't always right. Lots of women are told they may never conceive, but they do. Don't lose hope!


Posted at
Sorry to hear. I am getting this test done on June 5th


Posted at
So sorry to.hear xxx


Posted at
There's always adoption


Tenille • Jun 4, 2015
fair enough I want a Chinese baby girl


A • Jun 2, 2015
I'm an adopted child myself. I don't consider adoption, but I understand that some people choose it. Because of being adopted, it's even more important to me to have children on my own.


Sandy • Jun 2, 2015
some wabt/need to experience pregnancy and childbirth and all that comes with it. becoming a mother to some is so much more than just bringing home a baby. my husband and i are trying. chances are slim due to age. adoption is not an option as we want OUR baby, the baby we made together. if it happens, that would be amazing. if it doesnt, we will be heartbroken but we will be ok.