sex or no sex

Is sex completely out of the question while having your period ? My fiancé seems to think so. I don't see a problem with it. All my friends do it. It's annoying that he won't even consider "shower sex". It's not tar, it'll wash right off .. 
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My husband and I both find it gross to have sex when I'm bleeding down there. To each their own though!! I think some men find it disturbing or don't want to feel like they're hurting us when we are bleeding and having sex...


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Try to use soft tampons. They are like little sponges that keep everything clean ;) it takes a bit of practice to get them out again. 


Rawr • Jul 29, 2015
I've never heard of this and am now fascinated xD


Diana • Jun 2, 2015


Diana • Jun 2, 2015
You will both love it. I promise mess in bed. My ex asked me after 3 years if I never have my period and was so surprised that I used them and he never noticed. :)


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I don't do it because it prolongs my period.


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We have it, I prefer it in the shower, easy clean up


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Some men are like that. Its just not right to them. And then some men are all for it shower or no shower.


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Shower sex is the PERFECT solution


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My boyfriend says he would have sex with me on my period but I'm the one who feels weirded out by that haha 😂 he also says he'd lick me out on my period and I'm like on hell no 😂


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It's fine to do on your period if both people are fine with it but some people really aren't, like I don't think I would want to have sex on my period even if my SO wanted to it's just a personal preference 


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We lay a towel down and shower after. But I use tampons so it usually isn't much there or sometimes none. My bf and I don't mind


Kaleigh • Jun 2, 2015
o no! xD i mean it keeps it absorbed to where it isn't as bad xD i take it out before sex lol


Sarah • Jun 2, 2015
Wait, are you saying you have sex with a tampon in? Lol


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Just do it in the shower if you have the possibility to be alone at home... Why not?Water often temporarily stops the flow too