
For the past year of my life I have been physically abused by my boyfriend... Ex boyfriend now. He busted my lip last night, put tons of bruises & scratches all over me and I can barely walk.
My 6 year old has seen it for the 2nd time and I can't deal with it anymore. I know my parents are going to find out bc my 6 YO is going with them for the summer in a couple weeks and my son is soooo chatty. I've been hiding it. 
And my boyfriends parents don't know as well. His parents have been really good to me and are very nice Older Christian people. It's happened before and I called the police bc he took the baby right after our fight. Two of his sisters hate me now. And I don't care but it's awkward bc they want to see the baby yadda yadda.
If I report it ...again CPS will come over again and "investigate." 
I'm just asking for prayer right now. If u ladies could pray for me. My mother died when I was 13 and I have never gotten over it. I don't have anyone to talk to about it bc everyone will try and just do something bad.. U know? I tell my sister about it and she wants me to move to Texas with her but I told her she should move here bc it'll be so hard to move with two small kids.
My ex has alot of problems and I told him I can't help him anymore (found counselors for him, he found men's support groups), and he's suffering from PPD (postpartum depression) and depression since our 5 month old has been born. He was molested as a child and raped by two girls who used to babysit him. He's a good looking guy and I feel for him but I feel like he takes his anger out on me. He's a great dad and that was my main reason for giving him 1 more chance but I can't have my kids around this. He's insane. And all this started bc I saw in his phone he told a girl he misses her n loves her. I waited an hour or so then brought it up and told him he needed to leave. He says he loves me unconditionally but says the things I say hurt him down to his soul. 
I just want to know if anyone else has gone through this and if u have any advice for me. I'm done with the relationship.. Just want to know if anyone else has been in my shoes and how did they move forward and if they found love again. I'm to the point bow and I told him this years ago that I hate dating new people. Maybe I'm antisocial I duno... I feel like guys only like me bc of my blue eyes and looks. I think I should call it quits on relationships and focus on raising my two  boys as a single mother. Yes I'm only 25 but I've always been mature for my age.
God Bless. And please don't put me down. I'm already suffering. TIA