I remember it being easier!

My name is heather and 8 years ago I had my daughter, her being number 4 I had a tubal ligation. Well fast forward a year and a half, I met my now husband mike, who has no children. He is 9 years older than me. I explained to him before we married what it would take to get it reversed. Told him the odds. Well he married me anyway! 6 years into our relationship we finally had the surgery done in late October 2014, I was still recuperating on our anniversary on Halloween. I spent half my 20's pregnant. My kids are 12,10,9,&8. Seriously, HALF my twenties. OK, then if I looked at a man I got pregnant, it seemed like it anyway. Here I am, its only been 6 months since we started trying, but in my mind it feels like 6 years. I've always known the odds are crap for me, but reality is hard sometimes I guess. I've never posted one of these before, I hope I did it right!