My story

I was using Paragard IUD for almost 3 years. Dr. Took it off on March 10 and started period March 13. I told the Dr. we want a baby and he told me everything will be OK. But on the night of May 28 I start bleeding and I call to the obgyn office and nurse told me the bleeding was totally normal because it is old blood but I called again and dr saw me but no ultrasound. Anyways, I could not wait and went to the ER because I was having some cramps. That day I was 10 w 6 d my first ultrasound but I knew since I started that pregnancy that something was wrong because I had symptoms and then they stop completely. For my surprise my pregnancy stop at 6 weeks we only saw the sac no baby. I was completely devastated. So she told me I will have a miscarriage. May 29 I went to the Dr for an ultrasound and again the same history. Dr saw me and he help me because the sac was so low. Like 30 min I had the sac in the drs bathroom. That was horrible I had a lot of pain there, people staring at me and I was trying to hold the pain but sadly my emotions not.. I went yesterday everything was OK I asked him if I have to wait so the uterus can heal but he told me to try again that I can get pregnant for the next month.. I am concern because the first time he told me everything will be OK and I had the miscarriage and I am scare to try again.. what do you ladies think? Sorry not fluently at english..