Going back to work.

Cassandra • 31 years old.. all about my family .. mommy of 3 girls..And loves spending time with family
I miscarried at 5 weeks. The bleeding started on the 29th and I got a negative pregnancy test on June 1st confirming that I had miscarried. After the first visit on the 29th, I never went back to the doctor as I had enough clots and tissue pass that I know I miscarried. I have had a very hard time and I don't think it's going to get any easier anytime soon. I can put a brave face on and go out in public or have dinner with my parents but it's all that's one my mind and if someone ask me how I am doing I get very emotional. I am supposed to go back to work Thursday. As well as have a fun day bowling with everyone. I don't honestly believe I am ready to go be around a bunch of people who are going to be all happy and cheery and those who know what happened I'm scared will look at me as the girl who miscarried. I'm an emotional wreck and the littlest things set me off emotionally. I also don't Kniw if physically I am ready to go back. I haven't been able to eat much but when I do I feel sick to my stomach... How do you know when is a good time to go back? I have never felt so broken and incomplete as I do now. I could use some advice.