Confused newlywed....

A little back story....My husband have been married a month and a half we found out I was pregnant a month before the wedding and everything started changing. I have a 10 year old son from my previous marriage as well.

He has always been great with my son up until the wedding, he is hateful with him now about everything he also gets really passive aggressive and says stuff that make him cry. He has been working overtime all month but his check for the first half of the month is only 65 hours he should had at least 92. So in my eyes he has lied to me about being at work. Anytime I express how I feel he acts like he doesn't care and just tells me I'm hormonal cause I'm pregnant. Now he is saying we can't afford my car and trying to get rid of it. We live 20 mins out in the country with no cell service and I don't feel comfortable being without a car. I'm so torn and hurt and feel deceived by a man who I thought loved me and my son. My son and I have been miserable... 2 weeks ago I found out he has also been stealing whole tv seasons from Walmart like game of thrones and the 100 and stuff like that using the self checkout lane. I just look at him like a dishonest person and I'm really thinking of getting an annulment.

Any thoughts?