Ahh How To Get Over a Guy?

I've posted about this previously. I met a guy online and we went on 2 dates. It was amazing. We had been talking for bout 3 months when he broke up with me. I blew up on him after he made a comment. We were supposed to go on a day trip the next day and I cancelled it and told him we were off. The next day I woke up a changed woman realizing what I had done. We've been broken up for a month and I'm so depressed. I apologized a billion times and I also sent him a fruit basket saying sorry.  I've gone on dates since then and they all suck. It's like no one can compare to him. I don't want to text him bc I feel like I've been rejected by him so much. I gotta keep some of my dignity. What's weird is that he has looked at my OKcupid account. He pays so that ppl aren't notified that he visited but they also have an option where you can purposefully let someone know you visited and he has done that. Idk what to do. Why is he viewing my profile?!?! I miss him. He's 29 and I'm 25.