Feeling guilty

So my husband and I feel apart ended up getting a divorce. We drifted apart because he emotionally checked out because of stress plus financial stress. Maybe even depressed. I felt so alone and left. I have the flight response to most any and all problems I have ever faced. Which makes this situation harder. I was by myself for a year just me and my son. I never lost my deep feelings for my ex husband and he has been there for our son the whole time but we have had our differences. Mostly my pride because I made a decision and am working to stick by what I say. Because that's one of my flaws which coincides with my flight problem. I started talking to a guy I met through work and he was super sweet and super nice. We ended up dating a little while off and on. He was great with my son and just seemed like the whole package. Well fast forward to now I found out I was pregnant in march we scheduled an April wedding and got hitched. I left my house and moved in with him and all the wedding bliss came to a screeching halt. I really feel I've met Dr jeykle and mister Hyde. Everything that he showed me he was has vanished and even with my son. He is hateful and mean. I've been trying to talk to him about how I feel but he ignores it and doesn't listen. Or pouts. I've been cramping so bad the last week and a half from all the stress and he told me if I lose the baby I can just leave. Because you know it's his house. I'm high risk so I had to quit my job. I'm just at a loss for words right now. I believe I've tried harder this time around than I ever did with my ex husband and for what it's just depressing. My son cries his self to sleep almost every night has told his dad how unhappy he is and even wrote me a long heartbreaking letter. His dad brought up his concerns about our son and I verified that everything he told my ex was in fact true. And he has told me to let him help me get back on my feet that he still loves me and hates to see me so upset and hurt and our son too. He said he would help me with my baby and anything I need and I'm seriously thinking about this. I feel so awful though because of how everyone will look at me. My current pretends to be so sweet and perfect in front of my family and friends he has even started lying on me to my grandmother....... I feel stuck and lost.