My Story

Kara • A mother of four children and three babies in heaven! My hubby is a Over the Road Truck Driver.
I'm glad there's a group for this topic. My husband I were married last June. We got pregnant on our honeymoon. It ended up being a rare heterotopic pregnancy so at six weeks I lost the first baby in a miscarriage. We didn't think anything more of it till one day I had severe abdominal pain. During my ER visit I learned the I had twins and one was ectopic. I needed an emergency laproscopic surgery. We were able to save my fallopian tube. Then we waited as advised by our doctor and began trying again it took us a couple months to get pregnant. That pregnancy ended I'm a miscarriage around eight weeks. This time around it only took us a month to get pregnant. We are just seven weeks so still 40 days till we can celebrate the completion of the first trimester. It's been a bumpy start. I found out about the pregnancy through an at home test. I happened to have my annual GYN appointment the next day. I took another test there and it came back negative. So hcg levels done 48 hours apart to confirm a stable pregnancy in uterus. Had my first confirmation ultrasound at six weeks everything was good except a lower heart rate but not bad just the low end of normal. Another ultrasound scheduled for nine weeks to check the heart rate again. Then we'll just wait out the last three weeks. Fingers crossed this pregnancy will finish but definitely have a hard time not freaking about every little pain and change. But my wonderful hubby has been there for my during every one of those moments to encourage me to remain calm.