Question for stay-at-home parents

I have a curiosity question – or maybe this is just a place for me to vent frustration. For those of you that are stay-at-home parents, how do you do it? Specifically, how do you make it work financially? My husband and I will both have to continue to work full-time after the baby arrives. We cannot afford to live on one income. We don't live a lavish lifestyle, we live comfortably, but do not live beyond our means. The only debt that we have is our mortgage which is cheaper than renting in our area, and my student loan. I just don't get how families live off of one income. For those of you that do, is it just that your partner makes so much more money than you do that you're able not to work? My husband and I have similar incomes, so if one of us were to stop working it would cut our combined income in half. I don't even think we can afford to have one of us work part time, not with the cost of childcare and health insurance. I guess I'm just saying I'm incredibly jealous of those of you that can stay home with your babies! Enlighten me on how you make it work!