
I got a positive test on the 25th .. on the 29th I started cramping and bleeding. I was not soaking a pad but it was bright and clotty (sorry for tmi ) . I went to the e.r. and they said it wass a threatened miscarriage and my hcg was only at a 26. This continued to happen over the next couple days and then Monday I got a negative pregnancy test. I would have Been about 5 weeks.

Now I am done bleeding but I have the pregnancy symptoms more now than befire . I get sick to my stomach no mater what I eat Or how much. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Is there a chance I got a false negative from the bleedibg . Could I have really miscarried like I have thought this whole time or is there a way I'm still pregnant ? I have given up hope on still being pregnant but I just wanna know why I'm so sick to my stomach and boobs are still perky. Is it the hormones going back go normal. Please help