Ankle swelling

What has worked for people to reduce foot and ankle swelling?  I can't always put my feet up at work and I have a seriously long commute.  Also, compression socks are miserable in the summer.  Interested to know what people have done to keep it down.  
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I tried everything.. Legs up the wall, compression socks, stuffed my regular socks with cabbage leave ( my hubby had a good laugh at that one) Epsom salts bath... What finally worked or at least made a difference is massage. An RMT explained the lymph system to me she said massage the area on your foot between the big toe and next toe. Not in between the toes but the top of your foot. And use only gentle pressure the weight of your hand and stoke from your toes to your knees only in that direction. I wish I took a before and after of doing this once a night for 4 days. I had to buy new shoes before this and I got back in my normal ones again. Good luck!


Misty • Jun 7, 2015
I have to go my feet look like roger wood sausages


Misty • Jun 7, 2015
He is really cut too


Misty • Jun 7, 2015
My friend who is from CA is in town and he is a massage therapist. He said he could do a lymphatic massage for me for $30 for 30 minutes.


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Compression socks are hot and miserable but they really do work for me! I'm a nurse and notice such a huge difference when I where them. Also, stay hydrated and throw your feet up anytime you get the chance! 


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I'm a nurse and on my feet all day as well I don't have a long drive home tho and don't thing I could stand wearing compression socks. What I've done is make sure to drink lots of water, soak my feet ankles and legs, then I prop them up for a good 30-45 minutes above heart level then I get up and walk around for awhile and take my dog for a walk and if they are still swollen I just repeat the process. If they are severely swollen tho and don't go down I would call your doctor and ask. Also limiting any salt intake will help greatly. Hope this helps :) 


B • Jun 5, 2015
Well that's good it's not, I would just prop your feet up any chance you get when at home and massage them trust me it helps!!


Gretchen • Jun 5, 2015
It's not preeclampsia style swollen...just the normal kind. :)


Posted at
I wear the compression socks. Yes it's hot and miserable but my feet and ankles feel better at the end of the day