"Silent" Miscarriage

Heather • Lost my 1st baby at 8 weeks on 6/5/15 💔
I had my first appointment today. Supposed to be 8 weeks, 1 day. My obgyn was unable to detect a heartbeat and sent me into the hospital for a second sonogram where again there was no heartbeat. I saw on the screen that I was measuring at 7 weeks, 6 days so I feel like this must have just happened. Two nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night with abdominal cramping and very bad (tmi) watery diarrhea all night long. Other than that I have had no miscarriage symptoms, bleeding, etc. I am so heartbroken and having a hard time feeling like this is real. They scheduled me for a D&C on Tuesday but part of me wants to hold onto that tiny chance that it's still okay. I am so so sad and confused. My husband had to go into work right after the appointment so I am alone for the next few hours and could really use some support. Has anyone been through this? I can't stop crying 😭