17 and pregnant short story

Jasmine • 17 and pregnant! Still graduating and going to college! I can't wait for my baby boy to get here<3
Okay so im pretty young to be having a baby, but I think its a blessing in hiding. Right before I found out I was pregnant me and my boyfriend of a yesr broke up, I was heart broken I was about to turn to drugs. Then when I found out, me and my boyfriend got back together and we both finished high school, I worked through my schooling and he got a job. I wasnt suppose to grad this year because I was so far behind and I even got accepted into college. We live alone as well. My point is, having a baby saved my life and future. Anything is possible! This baby kept me out of trouble! And the whole party sence wasn't my favorite place to be anyway. Im happy to be having my baby this young, just means I'll have to work a little harder in college and to figure things out but it will all be worth it :)