So scared...

♡ Angel ♡ • Wouldn't you like to know
Friday I went in for my 9 week and some odd day ultrasound and found out baby stopped growing a little over a week ago and there was no heartbeat. I am having a D&C Monday since there is no signs that I'll have a MC naturally on my own and my dr wants it to be less tramatic for me. I'm numb. I still feel pregnant and feel like it's just a bad dream. My anxiety is high though about the D&C tomorrow... I've never had a surgery or been under. Last night I got no sleep because I keep having dreams over and over that something went wrong and I never woke up. Each day that gets closer it becomes more "real" that I've lost our baby... we tried so long and thought we may not even be able to have children... we finally get pregnant and just like that everything comes crashing down... anyone have a D&C where you had the tube down your throat? How long did it take to heal physically? I know emotionally it's going to take me alot of time... I'm just so nervous about going under because I've never been under before so I don't know how my body will react 😢