Final Ultrasound before D&C today, prayers please

Found out last Thursday that my 8w3d baby lost its heartbeat hours before the scan (he had grown exactly to size since previous scan). I decided to have d&c this Wednesday and insisted on one final ultrasound before the procedure. The fact that he was right on target for growth but just had no heartbeat is making this very difficult to believe. Hoping today I can see that he hasn't grown in past few days to help it sink in (and alleviate any thoughts of "what if" as they wheel me in to the d&c). Anyone else gone through something similar? I feel like my grief is going to revert all the way back to the beginning when I see his little body on the screen one last time, but I think it's important for my sanity. My partner is unable to be with me during the appointment so I will be alone and trying to stay strong.  Prayers needed please, just as I am praying for all of our healing and acceptance. May we all find strength and peace to act as courageous mothers during our babies' final moments.