Visitors after baby is born and dealing with inlaws!

Krissy • Mommy of two
Am I terrible for not wanting anyone coming to see me after i give birth? I only ask because I know how my inlaws are and I want to honestly just have time to relax and heal with my husband and my son. My in laws are so damn loud and obnoxious and I don't want to deal with them that and they aren't very good with hygiene like they barely wash their hands and I don't want them touching my kid!! Maybe this is just hormones but I'm very adimant about not having anyone come see me after I have my son. And my MIL keeps saying she is going to come get my son whenever she can to spend time with him and it's pissing me off because I tell her no that's not happening I need time with my son and he won't be going anywhere without me!!! It honestly is driving me crazy being around these people they make me so freaken mad I just can't deal with this!!! Anyone else have inlaws and a MIL who are pains??