Metformin vs. Clomid

Hi ladies. This doesn't pertain to <a href="">iui</a> or <a href="">ivf</a> but I figured you all are very experienced in this area to maybe help me out? My doctor confirmed with ultrasound and bloodwork I have a mild case of pcos. (It has been getting worse since coming off bc in October) Im having irregular periods and ovary pain. She said I could either go on metformin to treat pcos and I may get pregnant that way, or start Clomid right away and hope to get pregnant next cycle. I don't know why but I'm really torn on which to do. I know Clomid can be pretty hard on your body. And I've heard pcos helps to lose weight (is this true?). I like the weight loss aspect of metformin but not sure how long it'll take to get pregnant that route. Do I risk the pcos getting worse by taking metformin or does that medicine prevent it from getting worse. If you took Clomid do you feel it was worth it? What was your experience? Thanks all so much for your advice!