
Ok so I am stayin home from work till October. I'm a teacher so I'm lucky enough to have my summers off. That being said I am home taking care of, watching the baby, making dinner, doing laundry and all of that good stuff. I know I'm supposed to do all of that and not complain but, my husband is in vacation this week. I asked him to take us somewhere and he replied that the place I wanted to go is just like where we live. So, "what's the point!?" 
So instead on his vacation, he has gone fishing with his brother and friends and done all kinds of fun things, leaving me home with the baby bc I don't want her to be out in the sun.( she is 8 weeks).
When he is home with me he makes comments like he is bored, there is nothing to do etc. what the fuck? I mean I can't exactly go to the beach and lay there without a care in the world. I have to bf, pump , change the baby, play with her, among all of my wifely duties.
Today, because he was bored he decided to power wash the deck. I mean that's great and thanks but I need to pump and go to the grocery store to get dinner and crap like that. I asked him to hold the baby while I pump and the response... I'm all dirty can't yu just put her in the swing!?!? Yea that's great I want to pump and hear my kid screaming bloody murder while I'm attached to a machine making dinner for her.  Every time I ask him to hold her it's the excuse , I'm dirty, I'm all sweaty, I just went to th gym etc. I'm losing my patience
Not to mention I just got the comment from him that the house is bothering him bc it's all dirty and my stuff/ baby's stuff is all over the living room. Um excuse me where do you want me to put all of the laundry I'm folding, he swing, pack and play!?! Shall I put it in the basement or the garage that we DONT have!?!
Ok I'm don't with my vent now. And off to the grocery store! >:(