Low platelets = no epidural?!?

Anissa • one gorgous doll baby in 2015 😍 one miscarriage at 7 weeks March 2018 😔TTC baby #2! 🌈
So I had my blood work taken at my last doctor appointment and was informed a few days later that my platelet count was low and I need to see someone in hematology. Well I set my appointment, and for some reason they didn't get my paper work from my Dr's office and informed me I couldn't be seen. Well as I do my part to call my doctor and get things straightened out, I'm asking everyone who comes to the phone how my platelet level pertains to my pregnancy, because I'm going on 39 weeks, and if it's not important, I'm not taking more time off work to reschedule. Needless to say, no one could tell me. It takes the lady who sets the hematology appointments to inform me that if my count is low, I can't receive an epidural! What am I suppose to, when delivery could come any day now and this was not an option I was prepared for? What if I need a c section? I'm definitely stressing out 😢