After my d&c

Feeling lost and confused. I had a frozen embryo transfer last April. On April 20 I was told I was pregnant. Everything seemed to be going well my hCG  level was doing exactly what it should be doing. When I did my first ultrasound things looked a little slow. I waited two weeks ended another one just to find out that I was carrying twins for sure and maybe even triplets. But unfortunately when I was 11 weeks two days I started to bleed.this past Monday I had my D&C I've been having a lot of pain and bleeding. They claim I may have a fibroid inside. Not knowing what will happen next until I see a doctor and get a better idea. They were able to send my babies off to biopsy. Just feeling lost and incomplete. Was hoping to start this group to hear other women's stories and maybe have support towards each other and knowing what to do next when it comes to trying again.