Creep or crush?

Mariah • I`m a 16 year old loner that likes to sleep, eat, listen to music and play with my cat.
This boy in one of my classes recently started to look at me in class a lot and whenever he made a joke he would look at me and in the halls and make direct eye contact and I thought he liked me so I asked him in the hallway (it was just us) and he was dumbfounded when I asked and was stuttering when he talked and said "oh no I didn't mean to look at you in a creepy way I'm in my own world and its not like you're not-(implying its not like I'm not an amazing person to like) but.....and I was like "oh ok" and he said "I appreciate you asking me tho, have a nice weekend" and I said you too and then as I was walking away I heard him like sigh omg or that sigh where you're like "fuck my life" lol. Does he genuinely not like me or did I catch him off guard so he denied it?