Cm in the tww

Charlotte • I`m 30, married and mummy to 💙 baby #2 due September 18!
Hi ladies! Just wanted to add this topic as I'm experiencing a change in my normal cm and wondered if this is a good sign? 
So my cm is normally creamy in the tww from ov up until af, but this month it has been a lot more watery in consistency but still with the creamy colour. I've looked online and there are some sites that say this is a potentially good sign and others say that it isn't! I know that since we have been ttc for 7 cycles my cm has never been like this!
I know that cm is different for everyone, but wanted to see whether there was some kind of rule with it! (Today I am 7dpo and desperately hoping it's a good sign!!)
so if the ladies who have had their bfps can contribute too that would be brilliant!
Baby dust to all the girls for this month ✨and for all of the lucky pregnant girls I hope you are all doing great!👶🏻