Resuming your sex life

Janessa • Mama to 1 amazing little boy, wife, babywearer, photographer, nerd.
I'm 10 weeks postpartum now (baby was late) and my husband and I still haven't attempted any sort of intimacy. I have no sex drive because of the pills I'm on for my PPD, so that certainly doesn't help. He hasn't been pushy at all and there were several months during my pregnancy we didn't do anything, because it was uncomfortable, but I feel like the longer we wait the more awkward it becomes. The problem is, our son is sleeping in our room, right next to our bed (in the rock & play). He usually has one longer sleep stretch to start the night so he probably wouldn't be bothered if we were quiet, but I feel weird with him in there. I know most people room share for the first few months, so how did you go about this?

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