On June 10th (my due date), I ate eggs with a tablespoon of castor oil in them

Cheyenne • 💖 Teen Mommy 💖
On June 10th (my due date), I ate eggs with a tablespoon of castor oil in them. Around 4am that night (June 11th) , I woke up having mild contractions. They weren't really going away and were coming every 5 minutes or so. So my husband took me in to Labor and Delivery. They checked me and told me I was only at 1 1/2 cm dilated so they had me walk but I didn't progress any so they sent me home. The contractions slowed down some. They were coming every 10 minutes now. Around dinner time the same day they started getting really bad and 3-5 minutes apart so we went in once again but only to get sent home once more. This time they gave me a shot to ease the pain. We got home around midnight and I was excited to get some sleep. But of course I woke up at 3am (June 12th) with terrible contractions. So I went in knowing they would probably send me home again. But surprisingly, I was dilated to a 4 so they kept me! Before they gave me the shot the night before, they told me it would either delay labor, ease the pain, or bring me out of the early labor stages. I guess it brought me out of early labor lol. Well my mom and great grandma showed up so that made 4 people in the room- my husband, his mom, my mom, and my great grandma. They gave me another shot that they said would make me feel like I was drunk but it would ease the pain. (Sorry, I don't know any of the names of the medications) . After the shot, I got some sleep until the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural, which didn't hurt at all. I got done more sleep after that but then I started feeling my contractions. I couldn't feel anything else but for some reason I felt the contractions so I called for another dose. They used the drip but it still didn't work so they put the next dose straight into the line but that didn't work either. The next time they checked me I was at 9 1/2 cm so they moved the rest on my cervix and let me start pushing. Pushing started around 11:30am. I pushed until somewhere around 1:15pm but was to tired to go on so they got the vacuum out and helped me. At 1:18pm, Olivia Scott was born weighing 7lbs 9oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Her daddy and I couldn't be happier. ❤