
I'm 15 weeks along with my first. Been diagnosed with Hyperemesis gravederum, hospitalized 3x. About 2-3 weeks ago (my last hospitalization) they RX'd zofran. I try to not take it every day and only take it when I'm starting to feel a bad day coming (I take diclegis 3x every day and phenergan as needed). I know diclegis is a "type A" drug and is one I can take my whole pregnancy if needed, but I've heard (media) about zofran causing some problems. It's hard to get a hold of my dr. Does anyone know if, with me being 15 weeks along, I should be continuing the Zofran? 
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Posted at
I take zofran and I hate watching the commercials....... I have a good feeling my dr wouldn't have prescribed it, if he knew it would cause harm. 


Posted at
Most of the alleged birth defects would have happened before 9 weeks. So if you're farther along, you should be fine to take it.


Posted at
I took it from 8-37 weeks daily with my first. I was so sick. With the crazy info about it now I refuse to take it at all this time around. 


Kim • Jun 20, 2015
Oh and my son was and is 100% healthy. He was born at 39w6d 8lbs 13oz 21 inches long ;)


Posted at
My doctor said out of all the years he has been an OB he has never seen any birth defectsnfrom taking zofran. I have taken it I only take it at my worst.


Posted at
I researched the claims when my doctor prescribed it. They all say there's not enough solid evidence that the babies born with defects were caused by zofran and not something else. Basically there hasnt been a strict study done to closely monitor and prove that the only outside factor the mother had was zofran. So it should be fine. I'm taking it still as needed and so far baby isnt showing signs of any problems


Posted at
I think that being that far along, you should be fine. I took it for the first 8 weeks of my last pregnancy and my son was born with some of the associated birth defects. I'm not saying it was from the medication, but it's always in the back of my mind. I think phenegran is a safer choice, but your doc knows best. Zofran gave me awful headaches too, but I seriously vomited at least 5 times a day throughout my entire pregnancy. 


Posted at
At 15 weeks al the major organs and systems are formed, so I would think you're in the clear for sure. We knew about my son's birth defects at 11 weeks. 


Posted at
I take unisom and B6, phenergan, and zofran all as needed. Been taking them since 6 weeks and I'm 14 weeks now. I posted the same thing a while back and a few people commented that zofran is a class B drug and phenergan is s class C drug so more dangerous than zofran. The only reason we think zofran is more dangerous because there is a law suit out that we hear about on tv and online. My doctor told me those risks are very minute and rare.


Posted at
I took it all throughout my first pregnancy. He s 13 months now and perfect. If you need it do it.


Posted at
Thank y'all! I feel much better about it all. Praying for a happy, healthy baby. But trying to keep myself healthy at the same time. So glad I'm not the only one going thru this!