Armpit/breast sensitivity.

Okay so about 4 months ago I got a really really sore armpit/arm like I had pulled something. It was really painful but eventually resolved. My armpit tenderness didn't go away....& I started getting breast tenderness and nipple sensitivity on that side as well. It alternates between tender armpit then sensitive breast (only the breast with the armpit pain) i notice it occurs more when I sleep on that side with my arm out at night. I'm 11 weeks pregnant and at 4 weeks had an ultra sound on my armpit and breast to check for any abnormalities. He said where I feel the armpit tenderness is where a lymph node is but he said it looked 100% normal and healthy and wasn't swollen. So I've chalked it up to hormones. I am waiting to get assigned a new doctor for pre natal care and bringing this up to them but I'm worried. I'm 24, no health issues,& no history of cancer in my family. It's just concerning that it keeps happening. It's not constantly. I will go a week or so and be fine and then it starts up again but is more on than off. Has anybody experienced this? 
Note: this started about 3 weeks before my last period which is why I haven't chalked it up to pregnancy hormones.
I had a breast augmentation in September of 2014
I check my armpit frequently for swollen lymph nodes and never feel anything & my breasts do not have any lumps.
I have extreme anxietys about cancer.