

Hello there,

I am on an emotional roller coaster if I am pregnant or not....long story short, I believe I had implantation bleeding June 9th - 12th and have been experiencing a "tightness" or "heaviness" in my lower abdomen as well as can feel veryy very light "cramping" on my left side. i believe it was implantation bleeding because it was a lot lighter than my periods are, only lasted a couple of days, and the coloring was a lot darker than normal. I took an EPT test on the 12th, and the 14th. It doesn't help that I can't remember when my period was last month but the research I have done points to pregnancy between the ovulation, conception, and implantation timelines.

What do you think?? Taking the tests too early? Go get blood work done? Or the "implantation bleeding" was just a period?