I really really need help...

Beth • Newlywed with 7 and 2 year old girls .. trying for #3
Long story short:
Had a chemical last month :(
Got positive tests this month 6-10dpo
11dpo and 15 dpo negative HCG tests, less than 2 and less than 1.
Lots of blood work done, everything looks good except abnormal pap- getting biopsy next week.
Currently 22dpo. Talked to dr yesterday (Thursday) they told me to take a HPT test and call them Friday am with the results. 
I started spotting mostly CM, brown, pink and super small amount of red blood. Assumed it was my period starting.. Been doing this for 12 hours. Went ahead and took a test this evening and this is the result. I don't think I'm pregnant but I'm not 100% sure. Should I call my on call doctor?