Any teachers-follow up from another post


Hello! Another Jan 16 mommy posted a few days ago asking about maternity leave for teachers. I have a question for teacher mommies too. I am due January 31 and am hoping to teach up until I give birth if there are no complications. I teach kindergarten. I have 60 sick days accumulated and will be using 50 of them towards maternity leave. Looking ahead at our school calendar I will be able to be home (because of holidays and vacations) until the middle of May and then only go back to school for four weeks before summer vacation.

My question is about sub plans. What does your district require you to leave for long term plans? We have been told that full detailed lesson plans for every day need to be provided for long term abscences. Anyone that teaches knows that is so unrealistic since plans change day to day. Just curious what other districts ask for!